Search Serbian, European and international standards. Identify the standard organization, select the standard number or keyword, and complete the search you want. You can also add a standard drafting stage or a committee / national committee that drafted the standard
Environmental tobacco smoke — Estimation of its contribution to respirable suspended particles — Determination of particulate matter by ultraviolet absorbance and by fluorescence
90.93 Standard confirmed
Tobacco and tobacco products — Monitor test piece for smoking machine — Requirements and use
60.60 Standard published
Cigarettes - Assessment of the ignition propensity - Safety requirement
60.60 Standard published
Tobacco and tobacco products — Determination of water content — Gas-chromatographic method
60.60 Standard published
Review of human smoking behaviour and recommendations for a new ISO standard for the machine smoking of cigarettes
60.60 Standard published
Electronic cigarettes and e-liquids - Constituents to be measured in the aerosol of vaping products
60.60 Standard published
Requirements and test methods for electronic cigarette devices
90.93 Standard confirmed
Electronic cigarettes and e-liquids - Reference e-liquids
60.60 Standard published
General principles and requirements for testing of quality and nicotine levels of electronic cigarette liquids
60.60 Standard published
Electronic cigarettes and e-liquids - Determination of nicotine delivery consistency over defined puff sequences of a number of e-cigarettes of identical type
60.60 Standard published
General principles for manufacturing, filling and holding e-liquids for prefilled containers or products
60.60 Standard published
Electronic cigarettes and e-liquids - Determination of nicotine delivery consistency over defined puff sequences within a single e-cigarette
60.60 Standard published
Tobacco and tobacco products — Determination of the width of the strands of cut tobacco — Amendment 1
90.93 Standard confirmed
Material used for producing wrappings for cigarette filters, cigarettes and other tobacco products — Determination of acetate content
90.93 Standard confirmed
E-liquid - Determination of nicotine, propylene glycol and glycerol in liquids used in electronic nicotine delivery devices - Gas chromatographic method (ISO 20714:2019)
60.60 Standard published
Vapour products - Routine analytical vaping machine - Definitions and standard conditions (ISO 20768:2018)
60.60 Standard published
Fine-cut tobacco and smoking articles made from it — Survey and analysis of consumer-made articles
90.20 Standard under periodical review