Search Serbian, European and international standards. Identify the standard organization, select the standard number or keyword, and complete the search you want. You can also add a standard drafting stage or a committee / national committee that drafted the standard
Fine-cut tobacco and smoking articles made from it — Survey and analysis of consumer-made articles
90.20 Standard under periodical review
Tobacco — Determination of tobacco specific nitrosamines — Method using alkaline dichloromethane extraction
95.60 Close of voting
Water pipe tobacco smoking machine — Definitions and standard conditions
90.60 Close of review
Water pipe tobacco — Determination of total collected matter and nicotine using a water pipe tobacco smoking machine
90.92 Standard to be revised
Water pipe tobacco — Determination of carbon monoxide in the vapour phase of water pipe tobacco smoke — NDIR method
90.92 Standard to be revised
Vapour products - Determination of e-liquid vaporised mass and aerosol collected mass (ISO 24197:2022)
60.60 Standard published
Vapour products - Determination of nicotine in vapour product emissions - Gas chromatographic method (ISO 24199:2022)
60.60 Standard published
Vapour products - Determination of selected carbonyls in vapour product emissions (ISO 24211:2022)
60.60 Standard published
Tobacco and tobacco products — Determination of silicated residues insoluble in hydrochloric acid
90.60 Close of review
Tobacco and tobacco products — Determination of alkaloid content — Spectrometric method
90.60 Close of review
Materials used as cigarette papers, filter plug wrap and filter joining paper, including materials having a discrete or oriented permeable zone and materials with bands of differing permeability — Determination of air permeability
90.93 Standard confirmed
Cigarettes and filter rods — Determination of nominal diameter — Method using a non-contact optical measuring apparatus
90.93 Standard confirmed
Routine analytical cigarette-smoking machine — Definitions and standard conditions
90.93 Standard confirmed
Cigarettes — Determination of alkaloids in smoke condensates — Spectrometric method
90.60 Close of review
Cigarettes — Determination of alkaloids in smoke condensates — Spectrometric method — Amendment 1
60.60 Standard published
Cigarettes — Determination of alkaloid retention by the filters — Spectrometric method
90.93 Standard confirmed
Tobacco and tobacco products — Atmosphere for conditioning and testing
60.60 Standard published
Cigarettes — Determination of loss of tobacco from the ends — Part 1: Method using a rotating cylindrical cage
90.93 Standard confirmed