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Search Serbian, European and international standards. Identify the standard organization, select the standard number or keyword, and complete the search you want. You can also add a standard drafting stage or a committee / national committee that drafted the standard

Geographic information - Classification systems - Part 1: Classification system structure - Technical Corrigendum 1 (ISO 19144-1:2009/Cor 1:2012)

60.60 Standard published

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Geoinformation - Klassifizierungssysteme - Teil 2: Meta-Beschreibungssprache für Landbedeckung (ISO 19144-2:2023)

60.60 Standard published

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Geographic information — Registry of representations of geographic point location

90.93 Standard confirmed

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Geographic information - Cross-domain vocabularies (ISO 19146:2018)

60.60 Standard published

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Geographic information — Transfer Nodes

90.93 Standard confirmed

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Geographic information - Linear referencing (ISO 19148:2021)

60.60 Standard published

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Geographic information — Rights expression language for geographic information — GeoREL

95.60 Close of voting

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Geographic information — Ontology — Part 1: Framework

90.93 Standard confirmed

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Geographic information — Ontology — Part 2: Rules for developing ontologies in the Web Ontology Language (OWL)

90.93 Standard confirmed

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Geographic information — Ontology — Part 2: Rules for developing ontologies in the Web Ontology Language (OWL) — Amendment 1

60.60 Standard published

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Geographic information - Ontology - Part 6: Service ontology register (ISO 19150-6:2023)

60.60 Standard published

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Geographic information - Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) - Part 1: Generic conceptual model (ISO 19152-1:2024)

60.60 Standard published

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Geographic information - Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) - Part 3: Marine georegulation (ISO 19152-3:2024)

60.60 Standard published

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Geographic information — Ubiquitous public access — Reference model

90.93 Standard confirmed

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Geographic information — Place Identifier (PI) architecture

90.93 Standard confirmed

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Geographic information — Place Identifier (PI) architecture — Part 2: Place Identifier (PI) linking

90.93 Standard confirmed

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Geographic information - Observations, measurements and samples (ISO 19156:2023)

60.60 Standard published

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Geographic information - Data quality - Part 1: General requirements (ISO 19157-1:2023)

60.60 Standard published

I211 more