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Search Serbian, European and international standards. Identify the standard organization, select the standard number or keyword, and complete the search you want. You can also add a standard drafting stage or a committee / national committee that drafted the standard

Industrial-process control valves - Part 8-2: Noise considerations - Laboratory measurement of noise generated by hydrodynamic flow through control valves

60.60 Standard published

N065 more

Industrial-process control valves - Part 8-3: Noise considerations - Control valve aerodynamic noise prediction method

60.60 Standard published

N065 more

Industrial-process control valves - Part 8-4: Noise considerations - Prediction of noise generated by hydrodynamic flow

60.60 Standard published

N065 more

Gas welding equipment - Pressure regulators for manifold systems used in welding, cutting and allied processes up to 30 MPa (300 bar) (ISO 7291:2010/AMD 1:2015)

60.60 Standard published

M044 more

Safety and control devices for gas burners and gas burning appliances - Part 1: Pressure regulators for inlet pressures up to and including 50 kPa

60.60 Standard published

M049 more

Safety and control devices for gas burners and gas burning appliances - Part 2: Pressure regulators for inlet pressures above 50 kPa up to and including 500 kPa

60.60 Standard published

M049 more

Safety and control devices for gas burners and gas burning appliances - Part 3: Pressure and/or flow rate regulators for inlet pressures up to and including 500 kPa, electronic types

60.60 Standard published

M049 more

Gas infrastructure - Gas pressure control stations for transmission and distribution - Functional requirements

40.20 DIS ballot initiated: 12 weeks

M234 more

Safety and control devices for burners and appliances burning gaseous fuels — Multifunctional controls.

40.60 Close of voting

M049 more

Gas cylinders - Fitting of valves to gas cylinders (ISO/DIS 13341:2024)

40.60 Close of voting

M011 more

Safety and control devices for burners and appliances burning gaseous and/or liquid fuels - General requirements

40.60 Close of voting

M049 more

Pressure regulators, automatic change-over devices, having a maximum regulated pressure of 4 bar, with a maximum capacity of 150 kg/h, associated safety devices and adaptors for butane, propane, and their mixtures

30.99 CD approved for registration as DIS

M049 more

Automatic vent valves for gas burners and gas burning appliances

50.99 FDIS or proof approved for publication

M049 more

LPG equipment and accessories - Pressure relief valves for LPG pressure vessels - Reconditioning requirements

50.60 Close of voting. Proof returned by secretariat

M234 more

Safety and control devices for burners and appliances burning gaseous and/or liquid fuels - Guidance on hydrogen specific aspects

50.99 FDIS or proof approved for publication

M049 more

Safety and control devices for gas burners and gas burning appliances - Part 2: Pressure regulators for inlet pressures above 50 kPa up to and including 500 kPa

50.99 FDIS or proof approved for publication

M049 more

Safety and control devices for gas burners and gas burning appliances - Part 3: Pressure and/or flow rate regulators for inlet pressures up to and including 500 kPa, electronic types

50.99 FDIS or proof approved for publication

M049 more

Gas cylinders — Cylinder valves — Specification and type testing

60.60 Standard published

ISO/TC 58/SC 2 more