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Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 5: Communication requirements for functions and device models
60.60 Standard published
Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 5: Communication requirements for functions and device models
60.60 Standard published
Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 6: Configuration description language for communication in electrical substations related to IEDs
60.60 Standard published
Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 7-1: Basic communication structure - Principles and models
60.60 Standard published
Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 7-2: Basic information and communication structure - Abstract communication service interface (ACSI)
60.60 Standard published
Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 7-3: Basic communication structure - Common data classes
60.60 Standard published
Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 7-4: Basic communication structure - Compatible logical node classes and data object classes
60.60 Standard published
Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 7-410: Basic communication structure - Hydroelectric power plants - Communication for monitoring and control
60.60 Standard published
Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 7-420: Basic communication structure - Distributed energy resources and distribution automation logical nodes
60.60 Standard published
Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 7-1: Basic communication structure - Principles and models
60.60 Standard published
Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 7-2: Basic information and communication structure - Abstract communication service interface (ACSI)
60.60 Standard published
Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 7-3: Basic communication structure - Common data classes
60.60 Standard published
Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 7-4: Basic communication structure - Compatible logical node classes and data object classes
60.60 Standard published
Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 7-410: Basic communication structure - Hydroelectric power plants - Communication for monitoring and control
60.60 Standard published
Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 8-1: Specific communication service mapping (SCSM) - Mappings to MMS (ISO 9506-1 and ISO 9506-2) and to ISO/IEC 8802-3
60.60 Standard published
Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 8-2: Specific Communication Service Mapping (SCSM) - Mapping to Extensible Messaging Presence Protocol (XMPP)
60.60 Standard published
Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 8-1: Specific communication service mapping (SCSM) - Mappings to MMS (ISO 9506-1 and ISO 9506-2) and to ISO/IEC 8802-3
60.60 Standard published
Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 9-2: Specific communication service mapping (SCSM) - Sampled values over ISO/IEC 8802-3
60.60 Standard published