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Eurocode 9 — Design of aluminium structures — Part 1-4: Cold-formed structural sheeting — National Annex
90.93 Standard confirmed
Eurocode 9 — Design of aluminium structures — Part 1-5: Shell structures — National Annex
90.93 Standard confirmed
Eurocode 9: Design of aluminium structures - Part 1-1: General structural rules
60.60 Standard published
Eurocode 9: Design of aluminium structures - Part 1-1: General structural rules
60.60 Standard published
Eurocode 9: Design of aluminium structures - Part 1-3: Structures susceptible to fatigue
60.60 Standard published
Eurocode 9 - Design of aluminium structures - Part 1-4: Cold-formed structural sheeting
60.60 Standard published
Eurocode 3 - Design of steel structures – Part1-6: Strength and Stability of Shell Structures – National Annex
10.99 New project approved