Search Serbian, European and international standards. Identify the standard organization, select the standard number or keyword, and complete the search you want. You can also add a standard drafting stage or a committee / national committee that drafted the standard
Solid biofuels — Determination of major elements — Al, Ca, Fe, Mg, P, K, Si, Na and Ti
90.93 Standard confirmed
Solid biofuels — Conversion of analytical results from one basis to another
90.93 Standard confirmed
Solid biofuels — Determination of total content of sulfur and chlorine
90.92 Standard to be revised
Solid biofuels — Determination of the water soluble chloride, sodium and potassium content
90.93 Standard confirmed
Solid biofuels — Determination of elemental composition by X-ray fluorescence
90.93 Standard confirmed
Solid biofuels — Fuel specifications and classes — Part 1: General requirements
60.60 Standard published
Solid biofuels — Fuel specifications and classes — Part 2: Graded wood pellets
60.60 Standard published
Solid biofuels — Fuel specifications and classes — Part 3: Graded wood briquettes
60.60 Standard published
Solid biofuels — Fuel specifications and classes — Part 4: Graded wood chips
60.60 Standard published
Solid biofuels — Fuel specifications and classes — Part 5: Graded firewood
90.92 Standard to be revised
Solid biofuels — Fuel specifications and classes — Part 6: Graded non-woody pellets
60.60 Standard published
Solid biofuels — Fuel specifications and classes — Part 7: Graded non-woody briquettes
60.60 Standard published
Solid biofuels — Fuel specifications and classes — Part 8: Graded thermally treated and densified biomass fuels for commercial and industrial use
60.60 Standard published
Solid biofuels — Fuel specifications and classes — Part 9: Graded hog fuel and wood chips for industrial use
60.60 Standard published
Petroleum products — Biodiesel — Determination of free and total glycerin and mono-, di- and tracylglycerols by gas chromatography
90.60 Close of review
Petroleum products — Biodiesel — Determination of total esters content by gas chromatography
90.60 Close of review
Petroleum products and other liquids — Ethanol — Determination of electrical conductivity
90.93 Standard confirmed