Search Serbian, European and international standards. Identify the standard organization, select the standard number or keyword, and complete the search you want. You can also add a standard drafting stage or a committee / national committee that drafted the standard
Packaging - Report on criteria and methodologies for life cycle analysis of packaging
60.60 Standard published
Environmental management - Life cycle assessment - Principles and framework (ISO 14040:2006)
60.60 Standard published
Environmental management - Life cycle assessment - Principles and framework - Amendment 1 (ISO 14040:2006/Amd 1:2020)
60.60 Standard published
Environmental management - Life cycle assessment - Requirements and guidelines (ISO 14044:2006)
60.60 Standard published
Environmental management - Life cycle assessment - Requirements and guidelines - Amendment 1 (ISO 14044:2006/Amd 1:2017)
60.60 Standard published
Environmental management - Life cycle assessment - Requirements and guidelines - Amendment 2 (ISO 14044:2006/Amd 2:2020)
60.60 Standard published
Environmental management - Eco-efficiency assessment of product systems - Principles, requirements and guidelines (ISO 14045:2012)
60.60 Standard published
Environmental management - Water footprint - Principles, requirements and guidelines (ISO 14046:2014)
60.60 Standard published
Environmental management - Water footprint - Principles, requirements and guidelines (ISO 14046:2014)
60.60 Standard published
Environmental management — Life cycle assessment — Illustrative examples on how to apply ISO 14044 to impact assessment situations
60.60 Standard published
Environmental management — Life cycle assessment — Data documentation format
90.60 Close of review
Environmental management — Life cycle assessment — Illustrative examples on how to apply ISO 14044 to goal and scope definition and inventory analysis
60.60 Standard published
Environmental management - Life cycle assessment - Critical review processes and reviewer competencies: Additional requirements and guidelines to ISO 14044:2006 (ISO/TS 14071:2014)
60.60 Standard published
Environmental management — Life cycle assessment — Requirements and guidelines for organizational life cycle assessment
90.92 Standard to be revised
Environmental management — Water footprint — Illustrative examples on how to apply ISO 14046
60.60 Standard published
Bio-based products - Bio-based carbon content - Determination of the bio-based carbon content using the radiocarbon method
90.92 Standard to be revised
Bio-based products - Overview of methods to determine the bio-based content
60.60 Standard published