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Soil quality - Determination of the water-retention characteristic - Laboratory methods (ISO 11274:2019)

60.60 Standard published

Z183 more

Soil quality - Determination of the water-retention characteristic - Laboratory methods (ISO 11274:2019)

60.60 Standard published

H190 more

Soil quality - Determination of unsaturated hydraulic conductivity and water-retention characteristic - Wind's evaporation method (ISO 11275:2004)

60.60 Standard published

H190 more

Soil quality - Determination of pore water pressure - Tensiometer method (ISO 11276:1995)

60.60 Standard published

H190 more

Soil quality - Determination of soil water content as a volume fraction using coring sleeves - Gravimetric method (ISO 11461:2001)

60.60 Standard published

H190 more

Soil quality - Characterization of contaminated soil related to groundwater protection (ISO 15175:2018)

60.60 Standard published

H190 more

Geotechnical investigation and testing - Laboratory testing of rock - Part 1: Determination of water content (ISO/DIS 16383-1:2024)

40.60 Close of voting

U182 more

Soil quality — Determination of water content in the unsaturated zone — Neutron depth probe method

90.93 Standard confirmed

ISO/TC 190/SC 3 more

Soil quality — Determination of the water-retention characteristic — Laboratory methods

90.93 Standard confirmed

ISO/TC 190/SC 3 more

Soil quality — Determination of unsaturated hydraulic conductivity and water-retention characteristic — Wind's evaporation method

90.93 Standard confirmed

ISO/TC 190 more

Soil quality — Determination of pore water pressure — Tensiometer method

90.93 Standard confirmed

ISO/TC 190/SC 3 more

Soil quality — Determination of soil water content as a volume fraction using coring sleeves — Gravimetric method

90.93 Standard confirmed

ISO/TC 190/SC 3 more

Soil quality — Characterization of contaminated soil related to groundwater protection

90.93 Standard confirmed

ISO/TC 190/SC 7 more

Soil quality — Soil water and the unsaturated zone — Definitions, symbols and theory

90.93 Standard confirmed

ISO/TC 190 more

Soil quality — Determination of soil water content as a volume fraction on the basis of known dry bulk density — Gravimetric method

90.93 Standard confirmed

ISO/TC 190 more

Soil quality — Determination of soil water content as a volume fraction on the basis of known dry bulk density — Gravimetric method — Technical Corrigendum 1

60.60 Standard published

ISO/TC 190 more

Soil quality — Determination of hydraulic conductivity of saturated porous materials using a rigid-wall permeameter

90.93 Standard confirmed

ISO/TC 190 more

Soil quality — Determination of hydraulic conductivity of saturated porous materials using a flexible wall permeameter

90.93 Standard confirmed

ISO/TC 190 more