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Containment enclosures — Part 2: Classification according to leak tightness and associated checking methods
90.93 Standard confirmed
Water quality - Gross alpha and gross beta activity - Test method using thin source deposit (ISO 10704:2019)
60.60 Standard published
Protective clothing against solid airborne particles including radioactive contamination - Part 1: Requirements and test methods for compressed air line ventilated protective clothing, protecting the body and the respiratory tract
90.93 Standard confirmed
Protective clothing against radioactive contamination - Part 2: Requirements and test methods for non-ventilated protective clothing against particulate radioactive contamination
90.93 Standard confirmed
Components for containment enclosures — Part 1: Glove/bag ports, bungs for glove/bag ports, enclosure rings and interchangeable units
90.93 Standard confirmed
Components for containment enclosures — Part 2: Gloves, welded bags, gaiters for remote - handling tongs and for manipulators
90.93 Standard confirmed
Components for containment enclosures — Part 3: Transfer systems such as plain doors, airlock chambers, double door transfer systems, leaktight connections for waste drums
90.93 Standard confirmed
Components for containment enclosures — Part 4: Ventilation and gas-cleaning systems such as filters, traps, safety and regulation valves, control and protection devices
90.93 Standard confirmed
Components for containment enclosures — Part 5: Penetrations for electrical and fluid circuits
90.92 Standard to be revised
Safety of machinery - Assessment and reduction of risks arising from radiation emitted by machinery - Part 1: General principles
90.93 Standard confirmed
Safety of machinery - Assessment and reduction of risks arising from radiation emitted by machinery - Part 3: Reduction of radiation by attenuation or screening
90.93 Standard confirmed
Screens for laser working places - Safety requirements and testing
90.60 Close of review
Screens for laser working places - Safety requirements and testing
60.60 Standard published
Safe transport of radioactive materials - Leakage testing on packages (ISO 12807:2018)
60.60 Standard published
Water quality - Radon-222 - Part 1: General principles (ISO 13164-1:2013, Correction version 2013-11-15)
60.60 Standard published
Water quality - Radon-222 - Part 2: Test method using gamma-ray spectrometry (ISO 13164-2:2013)
60.60 Standard published
Water quality - Radon-222 - Part 3: Test method using emanometry (ISO 13164-3:2013)
60.60 Standard published