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Search Serbian, European and international standards. Identify the standard organization, select the standard number or keyword, and complete the search you want. You can also add a standard drafting stage or a committee / national committee that drafted the standard

Acoustics - Recommended practice for the design of low-noise machinery and equipment - Part 1: Planning (ISO/TR 11688-1:1995)

60.60 Standard published

Z043 more

Acoustics - Recommended practice for the design of low-noise machinery and equipment - Part 2: Introduction to the physics of low-noise design (ISO/TR 11688-2:1998)

90.93 Standard confirmed

Z043 more

Kinematic diagrams - Graphical symbols - Part 1 (ISO 3952-1:1981)

90.93 Standard confirmed

M010 more

Kinematic diagrams - Graphical symbols - Part 2 (ISO 3952-2:1981)

90.93 Standard confirmed

M010 more

Kinematic diagrams - Graphical symbols - Part 3 (ISO 3952-3:1979)

90.93 Standard confirmed

M010 more

Kinematic diagrams - Graphical symbols - Part 4 (ISO 3952-4:1984)

90.93 Standard confirmed

M010 more

Kinematic diagrams - Graphical symbols - Part 1: Amendment 1 (ISO 3952-1:1981/Amd 1:2002)

60.60 Standard published

M010 more

Acoustics - Declaration and verification of noise emission values of machinery and equipment (ISO 4871:1996)

60.60 Standard published

Z043 more

International Electrotechnical Vocabulary. Chapter 191: Dependability and quality of service

60.60 Standard published

N104 more

Dependability management - Part 1: Guidance for management and application

60.60 Standard published

N104 more

Dependability management - Part 1: Managing dependability

60.60 Standard published

N104 more

Dependability management - Part 3-1: Application guide - Analysis techniques for dependability - Guide on methodology

60.60 Standard published

N104 more

Dependability management - Part 3-12: Application guide - Integrated logistic support

60.60 Standard published

N104 more

Dependability management - Part 3-3: Application guide - Life cycle costing

60.60 Standard published

N104 more

Equipment reliability testing - Part 2: Design of test cycles

60.60 Standard published

N104 more

Maintainability of equipment - Part 2: Maintainability requirements and studies during the design and development phase

60.60 Standard published

N104 more

Maintainability of equipment - Part 3: Verification and collection, analysis and presentation of data

60.60 Standard published

N104 more

Maintainability of equipment - Part 5: Testability and diagnostic testing

60.60 Standard published

N104 more