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Search Serbian, European and international standards. Identify the standard organization, select the standard number or keyword, and complete the search you want. You can also add a standard drafting stage or a committee / national committee that drafted the standard

Information technology — Framework for describing user interface objects, actions and attributes

90.93 Standard confirmed

I1/07 more

Electronic invoicing - Part 1: Semantic data model of the core elements of an electronic invoice

90.92 Standard to be revised

I1/06 more

Electronic invoicing - Part 1: Semantic data model of the core elements of an electronic invoice

60.60 Standard published

I1/06 more

Electronic invoicing - Part 1: Semantic data model of the core elements of an electronic invoice

90.92 Standard to be revised

I1/06 more

Electronic invoicing - Part 2: List of syntaxes that comply with EN 16931-1

90.93 Standard confirmed

I1/06 more

Electronic invoicing - Part 3-1: Methodology for syntax bindings of the core elements of an electronic invoice

90.93 Standard confirmed

I1/06 more

Electronic invoicing - Part 3-2: Syntax binding for ISO/IEC 19845 (UBL 2.1) invoice and credit note

90.93 Standard confirmed

I1/06 more

Electronic invoicing - Part 3-3: Syntax binding for UN/CEFACT XML Industry Invoice D16B

90.93 Standard confirmed

I1/06 more

Electronic invoicing - Part 3-4: Syntax binding for UN/EDIFACT INVOIC D16B

90.93 Standard confirmed

I1/06 more

Electronic invoicing - Part 4: Guidelines on interoperability of electronic invoices at the transmission level

60.60 Standard published

I1/06 more

Electronic invoicing - Part 5: Guidelines on the use of sector or country extensions in conjunction with EN 16931-1, methodology to be applied in the real environment

60.60 Standard published

I1/06 more

Electronic invoicing - Part 6: Result of the test of EN 16931-1 with respect to its practical application for an end user

60.60 Standard published

I1/06 more

Electronic invoicing - Part 7: Methodology for the development and use of EN 16931-1 compliant structured Core Invoice Usage Specifications

90.93 Standard confirmed

I1/06 more

Electronic public procurement - Business interoperability interfaces (BII), e-Tendering - Part 101: Overview

60.60 Standard published

I1/06 more

Electronic public procurement - Business interoperability interfaces (BII), e-Catalogue - Part 101: Overview

60.60 Standard published

I1/06 more

Electronic public procurement - Business interoperability interfaces (BII), e-Ordering - Part 101: Overview

60.60 Standard published

I1/06 more

Electronic public procurement - Business interoperability interfaces (BII), e-Fulfilment - Part 101: Overview

60.60 Standard published

I1/06 more

Personal identification - Robustness against biometric presentation attacks - Application to European Automated Border Control

90.93 Standard confirmed

I224 more