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Ultrasonic testing of steel flat product of thickness equal or greater than 6 mm (reflection method)
90.93 Standard confirmed
Ultrasonic testing of steel flat product of thickness equal or greater than 6 mm (reflection method)
90.93 Standard confirmed
Non-destructive testing of steel forgings - Part 1: Magnetic particle inspection
90.93 Standard confirmed
Non-destructive testing of steel forgings - Part 1: Magnetic particle inspection
90.93 Standard confirmed
Non-destructive testing of steel forgings - Part 2: Penetrant testing
90.93 Standard confirmed
Non-destructive testing of steel forgings - Part 2: Penetrant testing
90.93 Standard confirmed
Non-destructive testing of steel forgings - Part 3: Ultrasonic testing of ferritic or martensitic steel forgings
90.93 Standard confirmed
Non-destructive testing of steel forgings - Part 3: Ultrasonic testing of ferritic or martensitic steel forgings
90.93 Standard confirmed
Non-destructive testing of steel forgings - Part 4: Ultrasonic testing of austenitic and austenitic-ferritic stainless steel forgings
90.93 Standard confirmed
Iron and steel - Ultrasonic testing of H beams with parallel flanges and IPE beams
90.93 Standard confirmed
Non-destructive testing - Ultrasonic testing of austenitic and austenitic-ferritic stainless steels flat products of thickness equal to or greater than 6 mm (reflection method)
90.20 Standard under periodical review
Non destructive testing - Ultrasonic testing of steel bars
90.93 Standard confirmed
Non destructive testing - Ultrasonic testing of steel bars
90.93 Standard confirmed
Non-destructive testing of steel tubes - Part 1: Automated electromagnetic testing of seamless and welded (except submerged arc-welded) steel tubes for the verification of hydraulic leaktightness (ISO 10893-1:2011)
60.60 Standard published
Non-destructive testing of steel tubes - Part 1: Automated electromagnetic testing of seamless and welded (except submerged arc-welded) steel tubes for the verification of hydraulic leaktightness - Amendment 1: Change of dimensions of the reference notch; change acceptance criteria (ISO 10893-1:2011/Amd 1:2020)
60.60 Standard published
Non-destructive testing of steel tubes - Part 10: Automated full peripheral ultrasonic testing of seamless and welded (except submerged arc-welded) steel tubes for the detection of longitudinal and/or transverse imperfections (ISO 10893-10:2011)
60.60 Standard published
Non-destructive testing of steel tubes - Part 10: Automated full peripheral ultrasonic testing of seamless and welded (except submerged arc-welded) steel tubes for the detection of longitudinal and/or transverse imperfections - Amendment 1: Change of ultrasonic test frequency; change of acceptance criteria (ISO 10893-10:2011/Amd 1:2020)
60.60 Standard published
Non-destructive testing of steel tubes - Part 11: Automated ultrasonic testing of the weld seam of welded steel tubes for the detection of longitudinal and/or transverse imperfections (ISO 10893-11:2011)
60.60 Standard published