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Eurocode 5: Design of timber structures — Part 1-1:General — Common rules and rules for buildings — Corrigendum 1

60.60 Standard published

U250-5,6 more

Timber structures - Test methods - Joints made with punched metal plate fasteners

90.92 Standard to be revised

U250-5,6 more

Timber structures - Test methods - Performance of structural floor decking

90.93 Standard confirmed

U250-5,6 more

Timber Structures - Test methods - Cyclic testing of joints made with mechanical fasteners

90.92 Standard to be revised

U250-5,6 more

Test methods for determining the contribution to the fire resistance of structural members - Part 7: Applied protection to timber members

60.60 Standard published

Z021/PKS U092 more

Timber structures - Test methods - Load bearing nails, screws, dowels and bolts

90.93 Standard confirmed

U250-5,6 more

Timber structures - Test methods - Load bearing stapled joints

90.93 Standard confirmed

U250-5,6 more

Timber Structures - Test methods - Withdrawal capacity of timber fasteners

90.93 Standard confirmed

U250-5,6 more

Timber structures - Test methods - Pull through resistance of timber fasteners

90.93 Standard confirmed

U250-5,6 more

Timber structures - Product requirements for prefabricated structural members assembled with punched metal plate fasteners

90.93 Standard confirmed

U250-5,6 more

Structural round timber - Test methods

90.93 Standard confirmed

U250-5,6 more

Timber structures - Calculation and verification of characteristic values

90.93 Standard confirmed

U250-5,6 more

Timber structures - Structural laminated veneer lumber - Requirements

60.60 Standard published

U250-5,6 more

Timber structures - Connectors - Requirements

60.60 Standard published

U250-5,6 more

Timber structures - Dowel-type fasteners - Requirements

60.60 Standard published

U250-5,6 more

Timber Structures - Test methods - Withdrawal capacity of punched metal plate fasteners in handling and erection of prefabricated trusses

60.60 Standard published

U250-5,6 more

Timber Structures - Test methods - Torsional resistance of driving in screws

90.93 Standard confirmed

U250-5,6 more

Round and sawn timber - Environmental Product Declarations - Product category rules for wood and wood-based products for use in construction

90.92 Standard to be revised

D218 more