Search Serbian, European and international standards. Identify the standard organization, select the standard number or keyword, and complete the search you want. You can also add a standard drafting stage or a committee / national committee that drafted the standard
Information Security Management Systems - A practical guide for SMEs
60.60 Standard published
Mine designations and symbols - Denoting of mine survey points
60.60 Standard published
Mine designations and symbols - Designation of mine openings and roadway signs
60.60 Standard published
Rock mechanics — Testing of physical and mechanical properties — Method for the determination of uniaxial compressive strength
60.60 Standard published
Rock mechanics — Testing of physical and mechanical properties — Method for the determination of tensile strength limit — Indirect method
60.60 Standard published
Crushed aggregates — Test method for potential reactivity of aggregates - Chemical analysis
60.60 Standard published
Non-metalic mineral raws - Calcium-sulfate - Cement setting time regulator - Classification and technical conditions
60.60 Standard published
Standard Test Method for Sulfur in the Analysis Sample of Coal and Coke Using High-Temperature Tube Furnace Combustion
60.60 Standard published
Standard Test Methods for Determination of Carbon, Hydrogen and Nitrogen in Analysis Samples of Coal and Carbon in Analysis Samples of Coal and Coke
60.60 Standard published
Eurocode — Basis of structural design — National Annex — Amendment 1
60.60 Standard published
Eurocode 5: Design of timber structures — Part 1-1:General — Common rules and rules for buildings — Corrigendum 1
60.60 Standard published