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Information technology — Learning, education, and training — Content packaging — Part 2: XML binding
90.93 Одлука о потврђивању стандарда
Information technology — Learning, education, and training — Content packaging — Part 3: Best practice and implementation guide
90.93 Одлука о потврђивању стандарда
Information technology — Learning, education, and training — Requirements for e-textbooks in education
60.60 Стандард објављен
Information technology — Learning, education and training — Virtual experiment framework
90.93 Одлука о потврђивању стандарда
Information technology for learning, education, and training — Learner mobility achievement information (LMAI)
90.93 Одлука о потврђивању стандарда
Information technology — Learning, education and training — Collaborative technology — Collaborative workplace — Part 1: Collaborative workplace data model
90.93 Одлука о потврђивању стандарда
Information technology — Learning, education and training — Collaborative technology — Collaborative workplace — Part 2: Collaborative environment data model
90.93 Одлука о потврђивању стандарда
Information technology — Learning, education and training — Collaborative technology — Collaborative workplace — Part 3: Collaborative group data model
90.93 Одлука о потврђивању стандарда
Information technology — Learning, education and training — Collaborative technology — Collaborative learning communication — Part 1: Text-based communication
90.93 Одлука о потврђивању стандарда
Information technology for learning, education and training — Metadata for learning resources — Part 1: Framework
60.60 Стандард објављен
Information technology — Learning, education and training — Metadata for learning resources — Part 11: Migration from LOM to MLR
60.60 Стандард објављен
Information technology — Learning, education and training — Metadata for learning resources — Part 2: Dublin Core elements
90.92 Одлука о измени или ревизији стандарда
Information technology — Learning, education and training — Metadata for learning resources — Part 2: Dublin Core elements — Amendment 1: Non-literal content value data elements
60.60 Стандард објављен
Information technology — Learning, education and training — Metadata for learning resources — Part 3: Basic application profile
90.92 Одлука о измени или ревизији стандарда
Information technology — Learning, education and training — Metadata for learning resources — Part 3: Basic application profile — Amendment 1
60.60 Стандард објављен
Information technology — Learning, education and training — Metadata for learning resources — Part 4: Technical elements
90.92 Одлука о измени или ревизији стандарда
Information technology — Learning, education and training — Metadata for learning resources — Part 5: Educational elements
90.93 Одлука о потврђивању стандарда
Information technology — Learning, education and training — Metadata for learning resources — Part 7: Bindings
90.93 Одлука о потврђивању стандарда