Telefon: (011) 7541-421, 3409-301, 3409-335, 6547-293, 3409-310
E-mail: Prodaja standarda: Seminari, obuke: Informacije o standardima:
Stevana Brakusa 2, 11030 Beograd
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Pretražite srpske, evropske i međunarodne standarde. Odredite organizaciju koja je donosilac standarda, izaberite oznaku standarda ili ključnu reč i završite željenu pretragu. Možete dodati i fazu u izradi standarda ili komitet/komisiju koja je izradila standard.

Financial services — Semantic technology — Part 3: Semantic enrichment of the ISO 20022 conceptual model

60.60 Standard objavljen

ISO/TC 68/SC 9 Saznaj više

Financial services — Semantic technology — Part 5: Mapping from FIX Orchestra to the common model

60.60 Standard objavljen

ISO/TC 68/SC 9 Saznaj više

Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies — Vocabulary

60.60 Standard objavljen

ISO/TC 307 Saznaj više

Web-service-based application programming interface (WAPI) in financial services

90.93 Odluka o potvrđivanju standarda

ISO/TC 68/SC 9 Saznaj više

Security objectives of information systems of third-party payment services

60.60 Standard objavljen

ISO/TC 68/SC 2 Saznaj više

Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies — Privacy and personally identifiable information protection considerations

60.60 Standard objavljen

ISO/TC 307 Saznaj više

Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies – Overview of existing DLT systems for identity management

60.60 Standard objavljen

ISO/TC 307 Saznaj više

Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies — Reference architecture

60.60 Standard objavljen

ISO/TC 307 Saznaj više

Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies — Taxonomy and Ontology

90.20 Početak postupka preispitivanja standarda

ISO/TC 307 Saznaj više

Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies — Overview of and interactions between smart contracts in blockchain and distributed ledger technology systems

60.60 Standard objavljen

ISO/TC 307 Saznaj više

Security aspects for digital currencies

60.60 Standard objavljen

ISO/TC 68/SC 2 Saznaj više

Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies — Security management of digital asset custodians

60.60 Standard objavljen

ISO/TC 307 Saznaj više

Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies — Guidelines for governance

90.20 Početak postupka preispitivanja standarda

ISO/TC 307 Saznaj više

Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies (DLTs) — Overview of trust anchors for DLT-based identity management

60.60 Standard objavljen

ISO/TC 307 Saznaj više

Financial services — Security information for PKI in blockchain and DLT implementations

60.60 Standard objavljen

ISO/TC 68/SC 2 Saznaj više

Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies – Use cases

60.60 Standard objavljen

ISO/TC 307 Saznaj više

Financial services — Code-scanning payment security

60.60 Standard objavljen

ISO/TC 68/SC 2 Saznaj više

Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies — Identifiers of subjects and objects for the design of blockchain systems

60.60 Standard objavljen

ISO/TC 307 Saznaj više