Pretražite srpske, evropske i međunarodne standarde. Odredite organizaciju koja je donosilac standarda, izaberite oznaku standarda ili ključnu reč i završite željenu pretragu. Možete dodati i fazu u izradi standarda ili komitet/komisiju koja je izradila standard.
Document management — Analysis, selection and implementation of enterprise content management (ECM) systems
90.92 Odluka o izmeni ili reviziji standarda
Document management — Monitoring and verification of information stored on 130 mm optical media
90.93 Odluka o potvrđivanju standarda
Micrographics — Dimensions for reels used for 16 mm and 35 mm microfilm
90.93 Odluka o potvrđivanju standarda
Document management applications — Quality control for scanning office documents in colour
90.93 Odluka o potvrđivanju standarda
Microfilming of technical drawings and other drawing office documents — Part 1: Operating procedures
90.93 Odluka o potvrđivanju standarda
Microfilming of technical drawings and other drawing office documents — Part 1: Operating procedures — Technical Corrigendum 1
60.60 Standard objavljen
Microfilming of technical drawings and other drawing office documents — Part 2: Quality criteria and control of 35 mm silver gelatin microfilms
90.93 Odluka o potvrđivanju standarda
Microfilming of technical drawings and other drawing office documents — Part 3: Aperture card for 35 mm microfilm
90.93 Odluka o potvrđivanju standarda
Microfilming of technical drawings and other drawing office documents — Part 4: Microfilming of drawings of special and exceptional elongated sizes
90.93 Odluka o potvrđivanju standarda
Microfilming of technical drawings and other drawing office documents — Part 6: Quality criteria and control of systems for enlargements from 35 mm microfilm
90.93 Odluka o potvrđivanju standarda
Micrographics — ISO resolution test chart No. 2 — Description and use
90.93 Odluka o potvrđivanju standarda
Micrographics — Microfilming of newspapers for archival purposes on 35 mm microfilm
90.93 Odluka o potvrđivanju standarda
Micrographics — ISO character and ISO test chart No. 1 — Description and use
90.93 Odluka o potvrđivanju standarda
Document management — Information classification, marking and handling — Part 1: Requirements
60.60 Standard objavljen
Photography — Micrographic films, spools and cores — Dimensions
90.93 Odluka o potvrđivanju standarda
Micrographics — Vocabulary — Part 1: General terms
90.93 Odluka o potvrđivanju standarda
Micrographics — Vocabulary — Part 10: Index — Technical Corrigendum 1
60.60 Standard objavljen