Pretražite srpske, evropske i međunarodne standarde. Odredite organizaciju koja je donosilac standarda, izaberite oznaku standarda ili ključnu reč i završite željenu pretragu. Možete dodati i fazu u izradi standarda ili komitet/komisiju koja je izradila standard.
Lifts (elevators), escalators and moving walks — Programmable electronic systems in safety related applications — Part 3: Life cycle guideline for programmable electronic systems related to PESSRAL and PESSRAE
60.60 Standard objavljen
Safety requirements for escalators and moving walks — Part 1: Global essential safety requirements (GESR)
90.93 Odluka o potvrđivanju standarda
Lifts and escalators subject to seismic conditions — Compilation report
90.92 Odluka o izmeni ili reviziji standarda
Lifts (elevators) — Study of the use of lifts for evacuation during an emergency
60.60 Standard objavljen
Energy performance of lifts, escalators and moving walks — Part 1: Energy measurement and verification
60.60 Standard objavljen
Energy performance of lifts, escalators and moving walks — Part 2: Energy calculation and classification for lifts (elevators)
90.20 Početak postupka preispitivanja standarda
Energy performance of lifts, escalators and moving walks — Part 2: Energy calculation and classification for lifts (elevators) — Amendment 1: Express zones
60.60 Standard objavljen
Energy performance of lifts, escalators and moving walks — Part 3: Energy calculation and classification of escalators and moving walks
90.93 Odluka o potvrđivanju standarda
Fire-resistance tests — Part 2: Lift landing door assemblies
90.92 Odluka o izmeni ili reviziji standarda
Drawn steel wire for elevator ropes — Specifications
90.93 Odluka o potvrđivanju standarda
Lift (US: Elevator) installation — Part 2: Class IV lifts
90.60 Završetak postupka preispitivanja standarda
Passenger lift installations — Part 3: Service lifts class V
90.60 Završetak postupka preispitivanja standarda
Lift (Elevator) installation — Part 5: Control devices, signals and additional fittings
90.93 Odluka o potvrđivanju standarda
Lifts for the transport of persons and goods — Part 1: Safety rules for the construction and installation of passenger and goods passenger lifts
90.92 Odluka o izmeni ili reviziji standarda
Lifts for the transport of persons and goods — Part 2: Design rules, calculations, examinations and tests of lift components
90.92 Odluka o izmeni ili reviziji standarda
Lifts for the transport of persons and goods — Part 20: Global essential safety requirements (GESRs)
90.93 Odluka o potvrđivanju standarda
Lifts for the transport of persons and goods — Part 21: Global safety parameters (GSPs) meeting the global essential safety requirements (GESRs)
90.93 Odluka o potvrđivanju standarda