Telefon: (011) 7541-421, 3409-301, 3409-335, 6547-293, 3409-310
E-mail: Prodaja standarda: Seminari, obuke: Informacije o standardima:
Stevana Brakusa 2, 11030 Beograd
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Pretražite srpske, evropske i međunarodne standarde. Odredite organizaciju koja je donosilac standarda, izaberite oznaku standarda ili ključnu reč i završite željenu pretragu. Možete dodati i fazu u izradi standarda ili komitet/komisiju koja je izradila standard.

Кriterijum: 73.040

Coal and coke — Mechanical sampling — Part 3: Coal — Sampling from stationary lots

40.60 Završetak javne rasprave

ISO/TC 27/SC 4 Saznaj više

Coal and coke — Mechanical sampling — Part 4: Coal — Preparation of test samples

40.60 Završetak javne rasprave

ISO/TC 27/SC 4 Saznaj više

Coal and coke — Mechanical sampling — Part 5: Coke — Sampling from moving streams

40.60 Završetak javne rasprave

ISO/TC 27/SC 4 Saznaj više

Coal and coke — Mechanical sampling — Part 6: Coke — Preparation of test samples

40.60 Završetak javne rasprave

ISO/TC 27/SC 4 Saznaj više

Coal and coke — Mechanical sampling — Part 7: Methods for determining the precision of sampling, sample preparation and testing

40.60 Završetak javne rasprave

ISO/TC 27/SC 4 Saznaj više

Coal and coke — Mechanical sampling — Part 8: Methods of testing for bias

40.60 Završetak javne rasprave

ISO/TC 27/SC 4 Saznaj više

Coal — Determination of total mercury

50.00 Evidentiranje podataka o definitivnom tekstu nacrta standarda

ISO/TC 27/SC 5 Saznaj više

Coal — Determination of total cadmium

40.99 Nacrt standarda prihvata se kao definitivni tekst nacrta standarda

ISO/TC 27/SC 5 Saznaj više

Coal — Determination of forms of sulfur

40.99 Nacrt standarda prihvata se kao definitivni tekst nacrta standarda

ISO/TC 27/SC 5 Saznaj više

Coal and coke — Determination of gross calorific value

40.60 Završetak javne rasprave

ISO/TC 27/SC 5 Saznaj više

Coal — Determination of extractable metals in dilute hydrochloric acid

40.99 Nacrt standarda prihvata se kao definitivni tekst nacrta standarda

ISO/TC 27/SC 5 Saznaj više

Coal and coke — Determination of total sulfur by Coulomb titration method

50.20 Početak postupka odobravanja definitivnog teksta nacrta standarda

ISO/TC 27/SC 5 Saznaj više

Hard coal — Method for the measurement of the swelling properties using a dilatometer

40.60 Završetak javne rasprave

ISO/TC 27/SC 5 Saznaj više

Brown coals and lignites — Classification by types on the basis of total moisture mass fraction and tar yield

40.00 Dopunjavanje i evidentiranje podataka o nacrtu standarda

ISO/TC 27/SC 5 Saznaj više

Coal and coke — Determination of total carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen — Instrumental method

50.20 Početak postupka odobravanja definitivnog teksta nacrta standarda

ISO/TC 27/SC 5 Saznaj više

Hard coal — Determination of the crucible swelling number

50.00 Evidentiranje podataka o definitivnom tekstu nacrta standarda

ISO/TC 27/SC 5 Saznaj više

Hard Coal — Determination of caking power — Gray-King coke test

50.00 Evidentiranje podataka o definitivnom tekstu nacrta standarda

ISO/TC 27/SC 5 Saznaj više

Brown coals and lignites — Determination of moisture — Part 1: Indirect gravimetric method for total moisture

50.00 Evidentiranje podataka o definitivnom tekstu nacrta standarda

ISO/TC 27/SC 5 Saznaj više