Telefon: (011) 7541-421, 3409-301, 3409-335, 6547-293, 3409-310
E-mail: Prodaja standarda: Seminari, obuke: Informacije o standardima:
Stevana Brakusa 2, 11030 Beograd
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Pretražite srpske, evropske i međunarodne standarde. Odredite organizaciju koja je donosilac standarda, izaberite oznaku standarda ili ključnu reč i završite željenu pretragu. Možete dodati i fazu u izradi standarda ili komitet/komisiju koja je izradila standard.

Кriterijum: 19.080

Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use - Part 2-130: Particular requirements for equipment intended to be used in educational establishments by children

60.60 Standard objavljen

TC 66 Saznaj više

Electrical measuring instruments - X-Y recorders

60.60 Standard objavljen

TC 85 Saznaj više

Amendment 1 - Electrical measuring instruments - X-Y recorders

60.60 Standard objavljen

TC 85 Saznaj više

Amendment 2 - Electrical measuring instruments - X-Y recorders

60.60 Standard objavljen

TC 85 Saznaj više

Instruments and software used for measurements in high-voltage and high-current tests - Part 1: Requirements for instruments for impulse tests

60.60 Standard objavljen

TC 42 Saznaj više

Instruments and software used for measurement in high-voltage and high-current tests - Part 2: Requirements for software for tests with impulse voltages and currents

60.60 Standard objavljen

TC 42 Saznaj više

Instruments and software used for measurement in high-voltage and high-current tests - Part 3: Requirements for hardware for tests with alternating and direct voltages and currents

60.60 Standard objavljen

TC 42 Saznaj više

High-voltage test techniques for low-voltage equipment - Definitions, test and procedure requirements, test equipment

60.60 Standard objavljen

TC 42 Saznaj više

Expression of performance of gas analyzers - Part 1: General

60.60 Standard objavljen

TC 65/SC 65B Saznaj više

Expression of performance of gas analyzers - Part 6: Photometric analyzers

60.60 Standard objavljen

TC 65/SC 65B Saznaj više

Nuclear instrumentation - Bore-hole apparatus for X-ray fluorescence analysis

60.60 Standard objavljen

TC 45 Saznaj više

Test methods for accessories for power cables with rated voltages from 6 kV (Um = 7,2 kV) up to 30 kV (Um = 36 kV)

60.60 Standard objavljen

TC 20 Saznaj više

Superconductivity - Part 26: Critical current measurement - DC critical current of RE-Ba-Cu-O composite superconductors

60.60 Standard objavljen

TC 90 Saznaj više

Electricity metering equipment - General requirements, tests and test conditions - Part 31: Product safety requirements and tests

60.60 Standard objavljen

TC 13 Saznaj više

Reflectivity of electromagnetic wave absorbers in millimetre wave frequency - Measurement methods

60.60 Standard objavljen

TC 46/SC 46F Saznaj više

The rH index in aqueous and aqueous-organic media

60.60 Standard objavljen

TC 65/SC 65B Saznaj više

pH measurements in difficult media - Definitions, standards and procedures

60.60 Standard objavljen

TC 65/SC 65B Saznaj više

High-current test techniques - Definitions and requirements for test currents and measuring systems

60.60 Standard objavljen

TC 42 Saznaj više