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IEC 60794-5-20:2014 ED1

Optical fibre cables - Part 5-20: Family specification - Outdoor microduct fibre units, microducts and protected microducts for installation by blowing
14. 2. 2014.

Опште информације

60.60     14. 2. 2014.


TC 86/SC 86A

Међународни стандард

33.180.01     33.180.10  

енглески   француски  



Језик на коме желите да примите документ.


IEC 60794-5-20:2014 is a family specification that covers outdoor microduct fibre units and corresponding microducts and protected microducts for installation by blowing. The protected microducts are intended for duct, directly buried or lashed applications. Microduct fibre units differ from microduct optical fibre cables (see IEC 60794-5-10) in that they provide less protection to the fibres that they contain. Specifically, microduct fibre units rely on the structure of the microduct, protected microduct or appropriate housing to support installation and to provide additional mechanical protection for the optical fibre over the lifetime of the product. Systems built with components covered by this standard are subject to the requirements of sectional specification IEC 60794-5 where applicable.

Животни циклус


IEC 60794-5-20:2014 ED1
60.60 Стандард објављен
14. 2. 2014.