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IEC TR 60825-17:2015 ED2

Safety of laser products - Part 17: Safety aspects for use of passive optical components and optical cables in high power optical fibre communication systems
9. 10. 2015.

Опште информације

60.60     9. 10. 2015.


TC 76

Технички извештај

31.260     33.180.01  




Језик на коме желите да примите документ.


IEC TR 60825-17:2015(E) recommends safety measures to protect against effects caused exclusively by thermal, opto-mechanical and related effects in passive optical components and optical cables used in high power optical fibre communication systems. It does not apply to the use of high power optical systems in explosive atmospheres or the use of optical fibres in material processing machines. Throughout this part of IEC 60825, a reference to laser is taken to include light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and optical amplifiers. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2010. This edition constitutes a technical revision.

Животни циклус


IEC TR 60825-17:2010 ED1


IEC TR 60825-17:2015 ED2
60.60 Стандард објављен
9. 10. 2015.