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ISO 9612:2009

Acoustics — Determination of occupational noise exposure — Engineering method
23. 3. 2009.

Опште информације

90.92     16. 6. 2020.


ISO/TC 43/SC 1

Међународни стандард


енглески   француски  



Језик на коме желите да примите документ.


ISO 9612:2009 specifies an engineering method for measuring workers' exposure to noise in a working environment and calculating the noise exposure level. ISO 9612:2009 deals with A-weighted levels but is applicable also to C-weighted levels. Three different strategies for measurement are specified. The method is useful where a determination of noise exposure to engineering grade is required, e.g. for detailed noise exposure studies or epidemiological studies of hearing damage or other adverse effects.
The measuring process requires observation and analysis of the noise exposure conditions so that the quality of the measurements can be controlled. ISO 9612:2009 provides methods for estimating the uncertainty of the results.
ISO 9612:2009 is not intended for assessment of masking of oral communication or assessment of infrasound, ultrasound and non-auditory effects of noise. It does not apply to the measurement of the noise exposure of the ear when hearing protectors are worn.
Results of the measurements performed in accordance with ISO 9612:2009 can provide useful information when defining priorities for noise control measures.

Животни циклус


ISO 9612:1997


ISO 9612:2009
90.92 Одлука о измени или ревизији стандарда
16. 6. 2020.


ISO 9612

Национална преузимања

Akustika – Određivanje izloženosti buci u radnoj okolini – Inženjerska metoda

95.99 Повучен

Akustika – Određivanje izloženosti buci u radnoj okolini – Inženjerska metoda

60.60 Стандард објављен