ISO 12789-2:2008 describes the characterization of simulated workplace
neutron fields produced by methods described in ISO 12789-1. It specifies the
procedures used for establishing the calibration conditions of radiation
protection devices in neutron fields produced by these facilities, with
particular emphasis on the scattered neutrons. The diversity of workplace
neutron fields is such that several special facilities have been built in order
to simulate them in the laboratory. In ISO 12789-2:2008, the neutron radiation
field specifications are classified by operational quantities. General methods
for characterizing simulated workplace neutron fields are
ISO 12789:2000
ISO 12789-1:2008
Одлука о потврђивању стандарда
4. 7. 2022.
Referntna polja zračenja - Simulirana neutronska polja u radnom prostoru - Deo 1: Karakteristike i metode generisanja
90.93 Одлука о потврђивању стандарда