ISO 12215-9:2011 defines the loads and specifies the scantlings of sailing craft appendages on monohull sailing craft with a length of hull of up to 24 m, measured according to ISO 8666. It gives design stresses, the structural components to be assessed, load cases and design loads for keel, centreboard and their attachments, computational methods and modelling guidance, and the means for compliance with its provisions.
ISO 12215-9:2012
Одлука о измени или ревизији стандарда
15. 6. 2022.
ISO/DIS 12215-9
Mala plovila — Konstrukcija trupa i dimenzije elemenata konstrukcije — Deo 9: Izdanci na trupu jedrilica
95.99 Повучен
Mala plovila – Konstrukcija trupa i dimenzije elemenata konstrukcije – Deo 9: Izdanci na trupu jedrilica
60.60 Стандард објављен