ISO 19778-2:2015 specifies the Data Model for a collaborative environment.
The collaborative environment Data Model composes collaborative tools and declares their collaborative functions by specifying their names. These names can be used as references to collaborative tools and collaborative functions specified in detail by further specifications or standards. Where no such specifications or standards are available or identified, the provision of descriptions for human interpretation may support harmonized use of these names.
ISO/IEC 19778-2:2008
ISO/IEC 19778-2:2015
Одлука о потврђивању стандарда
8. 3. 2021.
Informacione tehnologije – Učenje, obrazovanje i obuka – Kolaborativna tehnologija – Kolaborativna radionica – Deo 2: Model podataka kolaborativnog okruženja
90.93 Одлука о потврђивању стандарда