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ISO 13577-1:2016

Industrial furnaces and associated processing equipment — Safety — Part 1: General requirements
5. 9. 2016.

Опште информације

90.93     17. 1. 2022.


ISO/TC 244

Међународни стандард

25.180.01     13.100  




Језик на коме желите да примите документ.


ISO 13577-1:2016 the general safety requirements common to industrial furnaces and associated processing equipment (TPE).
ISO 13577-1:2016 deals with the significant hazards, hazardous situations or hazardous events relevant to TPE, as listed in Annex A, when TPE is used as intended and also under conditions of misuse that are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer.
Annex B provides a list of common industrial furnaces and associated processing equipment.
This document specifies the requirements intended to be met by the manufacturer to ensure the safety of persons and property during commissioning, start-up, operation, shut-down, maintenance periods and dismantling, as well as in the event of foreseeable faults or malfunctions that can occur in the equipment.
These general safety requirements apply to all TPE, unless an exception is given in other parts of ISO 13577 dealing with specific equipment. The provisions of other parts of ISO 13577 that directly apply to specific types of TPE take precedence over the provisions of this document.
ISO 13577-1:2016 is not applicable to blast furnaces, converters (in steel plants), boilers or equipment not covered under ISO 12100.

Животни циклус


ISO 13577-1:2012


ISO 13577-1:2016
90.93 Одлука о потврђивању стандарда
17. 1. 2022.