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ISO 389-1:2017

Acoustics — Reference zero for the calibration of audiometric equipment — Part 1: Reference equivalent threshold sound pressure levels for pure tones and supra-aural earphones
13. 12. 2017.

Опште информације

90.93     12. 12. 2022.



Међународни стандард


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Језик на коме желите да примите документ.


ISO 389-1:2017 specifies a standard reference zero for the scale of hearing threshold level applicable to pure-tone air conduction audiometers, to promote agreement and uniformity in the expression of hearing threshold level measurements throughout the world.
ISO 389-1:2017 states the information in a form suitable for direct application to the calibration of audiometers, that is, in terms of the reference equivalent threshold sound pressure levels of generic supra-aural earphones specified in 4.2, measured on an ear simulator complying with IEC 60318‑1 and in terms of model-specific data given in two additional tables for the IEC 60318‑3 acoustic coupler and the IEC 60318‑1 ear simulator, respectively.
The data are based on an assessment of the information available from the various standardizing laboratories responsible for audiometric standards and from scientific publications.
Some notes on the application and derivation of the reference levels are given in Annexes A and B.

Животни циклус


ISO 389-1:1998


ISO 389-1:2017
90.93 Одлука о потврђивању стандарда
12. 12. 2022.

Национална преузимања

Akustika – Referentna nula za kalibraciju audiometrijske opreme – Deo 1: Referentni ekvivalentni prag nivoa zvučnog pritiska za čiste tonove i supraauralne slušalice

60.60 Стандард објављен