This document specifies the requirements for protective systems used in industrial furnaces and associated processing equipment (TPE).
The functional requirements to which the protective systems apply are specified in ISO 13577-1 ISO 13577-2 and ISO 13577-3.
This document is not applicable to blast furnaces, converters (in steel plants), boilers, fired heaters (including reformer furnaces) in the petrochemical and chemical industries.
This document is not applicable to electrical cabling and power cabling upstream of the TPE control panel/protective system.
This document is not applicable to the protective systems manufactured before the date of its publication.
ISO 13577-4:2014
ISO 13577-4:2022
Стандард објављен
12. 7. 2022.
Индустријске пећи и припадајућа процесна опрема – Безбедност – Део 4: Заштитни системи
60.60 Стандард објављен