Standardized method of optimizing IT provisioning within data centres by utilizing KPI’s that enable the development of IT profiles for individual systems or platforms. The combination of the system and platform KPI’s are used to establish an IT provisioning profile, establishing standard forecasting methods to optimize data centre resource effectiveness.
- Method for benchmarking and trending IT provisioning
- Capability assessment/indicators of IT equipment over infrastructure life-cycle including preparatory, commissioning, expansion/contraction and/or retirement of IT equipment
- IT equipment energy efficiency for servers (covered by ISO/IEC JTC 1 / SC 39 / WG 1 / 30134-4)
- IT equipment utilization for servers (covered by ISO/IEC JTC 1 / SC 39 / WG 1 / 30134-5)
- Application platform energy effectiveness (covered by ISO/IEC JTC 1 / SC 39 / WG 1 / 23544)
- Data Centre facilities and infrastructures (covered by ISO/IEC JTC1 / SC39 / WG 3 / 22237.x)
ISO/IEC DTS 8236-1
Евидентирање података о дефинитивном тексту нацрта стандарда
24. 1. 2025.