ISO 14577-2:2015 specifies the method of verification and calibration of testing machines for carrying out the instrumented indentation test in accordance with ISO 14577‑1:2015.
It describes a direct verification method for checking the main functions of the testing machine and an indirect verification method suitable for the determination of the repeatability of the testing machine. There is a requirement that the indirect method be used in addition to the direct method and for the periodic routine checking of the testing machine in service.
It is a requirement that the indirect method of verification of the testing machine be carried out independently for each test method.
ISO 14577-2:2015 is also applicable for transportable testing machines.
ISO 14577-2:2015
ISO/DIS 14577-2
Завршетак јавне расправе
26. 10. 2024.
Метални материјали — Инструментално испитивање утискивањем ради одређивања тврдоће и параметара материјала — Део 2: Верификација и калибрација уређаја за испитивање
40.60 Завршетак јавне расправе