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ISO/DIS 23308-2

Energy efficiency of industrial trucks — Test methods — Part 2: Operator controlled self propelled trucks, towing and burden carrier trucks

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40.99     5. 7. 2024.


ISO/TC 110/SC 5

Међународни стандард



This document specifies the method of energy consumption measurement for the following types of industrial trucks as defined in ISO 5053‑1:
— counterbalance lift truck;
— articulated counterbalance lift truck;
— reach truck (with retractable mast or fork arm carriage);
— straddle truck;
— pallet-stacking truck;
— pallet truck;
— platform and stillage truck;
— pallet truck end controlled;
— order-picking truck;
— centre-controlled order-picking truck;
— towing, pushing tractor and burden carrier;
— towing and stacking tractor;
— side-loading truck (one side only);
— lateral-stacking truck (both sides);
— lateral-stacking truck (three sides);
— multi-directional lift truck.

Животни циклус


ISO 23308-2:2020


ISO/DIS 23308-2
40.99 Нацрт стандарда прихвата се као дефинитивни текст нацрта стандарда
5. 7. 2024.

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