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ISO/PWI 17398

Safety colours and safety signs — Classification, performance and durability of safety signs

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00.00     17. 6. 2024.


ISO/TC 145/SC 2

Међународни стандард


ISO 17398:2004 specifies requirements for a performance-related classification system for safety signs according to expected service environment, principal materials, photometric properties, means of illumination, fixing methods and surface. Performance criteria and test methods are specified in ISO 17398:2004 so that properties related to durability and expected service life can be characterized and specified at the time of the product's delivery to the purchaser.
ISO 17398:2004 does not cover electrical power supplies, their components or electrically powered elements. It also does not cover properties of illuminating components, but the photometric properties for the particular types of safety signs are covered.

Животни циклус


ISO 17398:2004


ISO/PWI 17398
00.00 Поднет предлог новог пројекта
17. 6. 2024.