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prSRPS EN 16867:2024

Грађевински окови – Мехатроничка врата – Захтеви и методе испитивања

Building hardware - Mechatronic door furniture - Requirements and test methods

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10.99     15. 12. 2022.



Европски стандард




1.1 General
This document applies to Mechatronic door furniture (MDF) fitted on the door set which gives the possibility to control the locking and/or release part through an electronic authorization means. This can be operable by credentials (i.e. card, code, biometric).
The MDF according to this document is combined with locks according to EN 12209, EN 14846, prEN 15685 or may be a part of an emergency exit device according to EN 179, EN 1125 or EN 13637.
The MDF may be standalone or linkable to an external control system.
The document would allow classifying the MDF upon several characteristics such as category of use, durability, environmental, security, and type of operating device.
The suitability of the MDF for use on fire or smoke-door assemblies is determined by fire resistance tests conducted in addition to the performance testing specified by this document.
1.2 Exclusions
This document does not cover:
- mechatronic cylinders according to EN 15684;
- electromechanical operated locks and striking plates according to EN 14846.

Животни циклус


SRPS EN 16867:2020


prSRPS EN 16867:2024
10.99 Нови пројекат се прихвата
15. 12. 2022.

Повезани пројекти

Идентичан са EN 16867:2020+A2:2024 IDENTICAL