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delSRPS EN ISO 5492:2019

Сензорске анализе - Речник

Sensory analysis - Vocabulary

Опште информације

30.98     13. 1. 2024.

90.00    10. 8. 2027.



Европски стандард

67.240     01.040.67  



ISO 5492:2008 defines terms relating to sensory analysis.
ISO 5492:2008 applies to all industries concerned with the evaluation of products by the sense organs.
The terms are given under the following headings: 1) general terminology; 2) terminology relating to the senses; 3) terminology relating to organoleptic attributes; and 4) terminology relating to methods.
In addition to terms used in the three official ISO languages (English, French and Russian), this document gives the equivalent terms in German and Spanish; these are published under the responsibilities of the member bodies for Germany (DIN) and for Argentina (IRAM), respectively, and are given for information only. Only the terms and definitions given in the official languages can be considered as ISO terms and definitions.

Животни циклус


delSRPS EN ISO 5492:2019
30.98 Пројекат се брише из плана рада комисије за стандарде
13. 1. 2024.

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Идентичан са prEN ISO 5492 rev

Идентичан са ISO/DIS 5492