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Главни мени

SRPS EN 50600-2-1:2021

Информационe технологијe – Објекти и инфраструктура центара за обраду података – Део 2-1: Грађевинске конструкције

Information technology - Data centre facilities and infrastructures - Part 2-1: Building construction
31. 12. 2021.

Опште информације

60.60     31. 12. 2021.



Европски стандард

35.020     35.110     91.140.50  




Језик на коме желите да примите документ.


This document gives guidelines for the construction of buildings and other structures which provide accommodation for data centres based upon the criteria and classification for “physical security” within EN 50600 1 in support of availability.
This document specifies requirements and recommendations for the following:
a) location and site selection (taking in to account natural environment and adjacencies);
b) protection from environmental risks;
c) site configuration;
d) building construction;
e) building configuration;
f) provision of access;
g) intrusion protection;
h) physical fire protection;
i) protection against damage from water;
j) quality construction measures.
Safety and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements are outside the scope of this document and are covered by other standards and regulations. However, information given in this document can be of assistance in meeting these standards and regulations.
Conformance of data centres to the present document is covered in Clause 4.

Животни циклус


SRPS EN 50600-2-1:2014


SRPS EN 50600-2-1:2021
60.60 Стандард објављен
31. 12. 2021.

Повезани пројекти

Идентичан са EN 50600-2-1:2021