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SRPS EN 50600-4-7:2021

Информационе технологије – Објекти и инфраструктуре центара за обраду података – Део 4-7: Коефицијент ефикасности хлађења

Information technology - Data centre facilities and infrastructures - Part 4-7: Cooling Efficiency Ratio
29. 4. 2021.

Опште информације

60.60     29. 4. 2021.



Европски стандард

35.020     35.110     35.160  




Језик на коме желите да примите документ.


This document specifies the Cooling Efficiency Ratio (CER) as a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) to quantify the efficient use of energy to control the temperature of the spaces within the data centre.
This document:
a) defines the Cooling Efficiency Ratio (CER) of a data centre;
b) describes the relationship of this KPI to a data centre’s infrastructure, information technology equipment and information technology operations;
c) defines the measurement, the calculation and the reporting of the parameter;
d) provides information on the correct interpretation of the CER.
Annex A describes the correlation of CER and other KPIs.
Annex B provides examples of the application of CER.
Annex C introduces the parameters that affect CER.
Annex D describes requirements and recommendations for derivatives of KPIs associated with CER.

Животни циклус


SRPS EN 50600-4-7:2021
60.60 Стандард објављен
29. 4. 2021.

Повезани пројекти

Идентичан са EN 50600-4-7:2020