30.60 19. 9. 2024.
ISO/TC 147/SC 6
Међународни стандард
ISO 5667-15:2009 provides guidance on procedures for the preservation, handling and storage of samples of sewage and waterworks sludge, suspended matter, saltwater sediments and freshwater sediments, until chemical, physical, radiochemical and/or biological examination can be undertaken in the laboratory.
The procedures in ISO 5667-15:2009 are only applicable to wet samples of sludge, sediment and suspended matter.
ISO 5667-15:2009
ISO/CD 5667-15
Завршетак изјашњавања о нацрту комисије стандарда
19. 9. 2024.
Квалитет воде- Узимање узорака- Део 15: Упутство за чување и руковање узорцима муља и седимената
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