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prSRPS EN ISO 22477-6:2023

Геотехничко истраживање и испитивање – Испитивање геотехничких конструкција - Део 6: Испитивање оптерећењем анкера и сидара у стени

Geotechnical investigation and testing - Testing of geotechnical structures - Part 6: Load testing of soil nails and rock bolts

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10.99     2. 11. 2023.



Европски стандард




This document establishes the specifications for the execution of static load tests on soil nails or rock bolts, in which a single element (soil nail or rock bolt) is subjected to an axial static load in tension in order to define its load-displacement behaviour.
Load tests on rock bolts are also covered by this document

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prSRPS EN ISO 22477-6:2023
10.99 Нови пројекат се прихвата
2. 11. 2023.

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Идентичан са prEN ISO 22477-6 IDENTICAL

Идентичан са ISO/CD 22477-6 IDENTICAL