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prSRPS EN ISO/IEC 23282:2024

Вештачка интелигенција – Методе вредновања за за прецизне системе за обраду природног језика

Artificial Intelligence - Evaluation methods for accurate natural language processing systems

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10.99     22. 11. 2023.



Европски стандард



This document specifies the evaluation of natural language processing systems, in the sense of measuring the quality of a system’s
results to assess its functional suitability. It provides a definition of evaluation methods for those systems, together with guidance on
how to select, implement and interpret them. This document covers quantitative metrics as well as other evaluation methods. It includes
requirements on the implementation of the described metrics, and further requirements on the technical resources involved in the
evaluation process.

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prSRPS EN ISO/IEC 23282:2024
10.99 Нови пројекат се прихвата
22. 11. 2023.

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Идентичан са prEN ISO/IEC 23282 IDENTICAL

Идентичан са prEN ISO/IEC 23282 IDENTICAL