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prSRPS U.B1.065:2019

Geotehničko istraživanje i ispitivanje – Ispitivanje geotehničkih konstrukcija - Ispitivanje šipova: Test integriteta šipa sa instaliranim cevima (CSL)

Geotechnical investigation and testing - Testing of geotechnical structures - Testing of piles: Piles integrity testing by Ultrasonic Crosshole Testing

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10.99     1. 1. 2019.





This test method covers procedures for checking the homogeneity and integrity of concrete in deep foundation such as bored piles, drilled shafts, concrete piles or augercast piles.
This method can also be extended to diaphragm walls, barrettes, dams etc. In this test method, all the above will be designated “deep foundation elements.” The test measures the propagation time and relative energy of an ultrasonic pulse between parallel access ducts (crosshole) or in a single tube (single hole) installed in the deep foundation element. This method is most applicable when performed in tubes that are installed during construction.

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prSRPS U.B1.065:2019
10.99 Нови пројекат се прихвата
1. 1. 2019.

Повезани пројекти

Идентичан са ASTM D6760-16