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Elements for masonry and roof covering


Main committee

Институт за стандардизацију Србије

Jelena Skokovic

Please, contact the Secretary of the Technical Committee

Department of Metallurgy, Mechanical Engineering, Construction and Transport


Elements for masonry and roof covering, covers definitions, classifications, test methods and specifications of roof covering products (made of clay, stone, concrete and metal sheet) and of masonry units (made of clay, concrete and stone)

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Relation to mirrors committee

The work on the adoption of Serbian standards is carried out in the national technical committees, which are formed according to the international and European technical committees. Experts from different fields work in our commissions. Be one of them, too, and get involved in working together

CEN/TC 125

P member

CEN/TC 125

P member from

CEN/TC 128

O member from May 30, 2014

CEN/TC 128

O member from May 30, 2014