Infocenter represents an integral part of the Department for International Cooperation, Informing and Providing Professional Assistance at the Institute for Standardization of Serbia (ISS):
The information that you can get from the employees of the Infocenter can be classified in several types, as follows:
General information about ISS as the recognized national standardization body and its activities, such as:
- type of the organization,
- activities it performs,
- ISS membership status in the International Organizations for Standardization (ISO, IEC, IECEE),
- ISS membership status in the European Organizations for Standardization (CEN, CENELEC, ETSI),
- opportunities of becoming an ISS member, etc.
Information about Serbian, International, regional standards as well as the national standards of other countries, such as:
- general information on the standards development process,
- possibilities and methods of purchasing standards,
- relation between Serbian standards and national legislative documents, i.e. regulations, laws, by-laws, etc,
- reading the standards in the Standards Library,
- becoming a member of the national technical committees (NTCs), as well as other professional bodies of ISS that deal with the adoption of standards, etc.
General information about all services rendered by ISS, such as:
- providing professional assistance in the implementation and application of standards,
- translation of standards upon request,
- on-line access to Serbian standards and related documents,
- search of the collection of Serbian standards,
- providing information on standards and related documents within one or multiple standardization fields on monthly or annually basis, etc.
Infocenter also represents a contact point for the notification of Serbian standards and related documents that are not identical to the International and/or European standards and related documents, and as such could pose as the technical barriers to trade. In that capacity, Infocenter, via the link NOTIFICATIONS available on ISS web site, provides information regarding the Serbian and other national standards in the project stage or the public enquiry stage to all interested parties.