1.1 General
(ncpt) PL.1 Scope of application
This NNA applies to designing and constructing of new overhead lines with nominal system voltages exceeding 1 kV AC.
"New overhead line" means a totally new line between two points, A and B, built up with new components.
The standard PN-EN 50341-1 (Part 1) with this NNA does not apply to modernisation, reconstruction and renovation of the existing lines, unless otherwise specified in the Project Specification.
1.2 Field of application
(ncpt) PL.1 All Dielectric Self Supporting (ADSS) cables
This NNA applies to All Dielectric Self Supporting (ADSS) cables only within the scope of their impact on the supports and minimum clearances which shall be taken as for insulated cable systems.
(ncpt) PL.2 Telecommunication equipment
This NNA relates to the telecommunication equipment mounted on the new overhead line supports.
SRPS EN 50341-2-22:2018
SRPS EN 50341-2-22:2022
Standard published
Dec 30, 2022