This European Standard defines and explains the principal terms used in the field of personal eye-protection in the following (draft) Ens:
EN 166, Personal eye-protection - Specifications.
EN 167, Personal eye-protection - Optical test methods.
EN 168, Personal eye-protection - Non-optical test methods.
EN 169, Personal eye-protection - Filters for welding and related techniques - Transmittance requirements and recommended use.
EN 170, Personal eye-protection - Ultraviolet filters - Transmittance requirements and recommended use.
EN 171, Personal eye-protection - Infrared filters - Transmittance requirements and recommended use.
EN 172, Personal eye-protection - Sunglare filters for industrial use.
EN 173, Personal eye-protection - Visors for motorcycle helmets.
EN 174, Personal eye-protection - Ski goggles for downhill skiing.
EN 175, Personal eye-protection - Equipment for eye and face protection during welding and allied processes.
EN 207, Personal eye-protection - Filters and eye-protectors against laser radiation (laser eye-protectors).
EN 208, Personal eye-protection - Eye-protectors for adjustment work on lasers and laser systems (laser adjustment eye-protectors).
EN 379, Personal eye-protection - Automatic welding filters.
EN 1731, Mesh type eye and face protectors for industrial and non-industrial use against mechanical hazards and/or heat.
EN 1836, Personal eye-protection - Sunglasses and sunglare filters for general use.
EN 1938, Personal eye-protection - Goggles for motorcycle and moped users.
EN 12254, Screens for laser working places - Safety requirements and testing.
EN 13178, Personal eye-protection - Eye protectors for snowmobile users.
CR 13464, Guide to selection, use and maintenance of occupational eye and face protectors.
EN 14458, Personal eye-equipment - Faceshields and visors for use with firefighters, and high performance industrial safety helmets used by firefighters, ambulance and emergency services.
Directives related to this standard.
SRPS EN 165:2008
Withdrawal of Standard
Jun 22, 2015
SRPS EN ISO 4007:2015