or obtain information (3.1.127), and to engage in dialogue with interested parties (3.1.132) and others regarding the management (3.1.144) of risk (3.1.215) Note 1 to entry: The information can relate to the existence, nature, form, likelihood (3.1.142), severity, evaluation (3.1.95), acceptability, treatment or other aspects of the management of risk and security operations management (3.1.250). Note 2 to entry: Consultation is a two-way process of informed communication between an organization and its interested parties or others on an issue prior to making a decision or determining a direction on that issue. Consultation is: — a process which impacts on a decision through influence rather than power; and — an input to decision-making, not joint decision-making.
стални и итеративни процеси (3.1.190) које организација (3.1.165) спроводи како би обезбедила, разменила или добила информације (3.1.127) и укључила се у дијалог са заинтересованим странама (3.1.132) у погледу менаџмента (_3.1.144) _ризиком (3.1.215)
– процес који утиче на доношење одлука кроз утицај, а не коришћење моћи, и
– полазна тачка за доношење одлуке, а не заједничко доношење одлука.