IEC 60127-2:2014 relates to special requirements applicable to cartridge fuse-links for miniature fuses with dimensions measuring 5 mm x 20 mm and 6,3 mm x 32 mm for the protection of electric appliances, electronic equipment and component parts thereof, normally intended for use indoors. It does not apply to cartridge fuse-links for appliances intended to be used under special conditions, such as in corrosive or explosive atmospheres. This standard applies in addition to the requirements of IEC 60127-1. The object of this standard is to define special and additional test methods for cartridge fuse-links applying in addition to the requirements of IEC 60127-1. This third edition of IEC 60127-2 cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2010.This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: add 4 new standard sheets 7 up to 10.
Keywords: cartridge fuse-links for miniature fuses, protection of electric appliances, electronic equipment and component
Directives related to this standard.
Directive 2006/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2006 on the harmonisation of the laws of Member States relating to electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits (codified version)
HarmonizedDirective 2014/35/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2014 on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to the making available on the market of electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits
SRPS EN 60127-2:2008
SRPS EN 60127-2:2008/A1:2008
SRPS EN 60127-2:2008/A2:2011
SRPS EN 60127-2:2017
Standard published
May 31, 2017