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SRPS EN IEC 60942:2018

Electroacoustics - Sound calibrators

Jun 28, 2018

General information

60.60     Jun 28, 2018



European Norm

17.140.50     33.100.20  




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This document specifies the performance requirements for three classes of sound calibrator: class LS (Laboratory Standard), class 1 and class 2. Acceptance limits are smallest for class LS and greatest for class 2 instruments. Class LS sound calibrators are normally used only in the laboratory; class 1 and class 2 are considered as sound calibrators for field use. A class 1 sound calibrator is primarily intended for use with a class 1 sound level meter and a class 2 sound calibrator primarily with a class 2 sound level meter, as specified in IEC 61672-1.
The acceptance limits for class LS sound calibrators are based on the use of a laboratory standard microphone, as specified in IEC 61094-1, for demonstrations of conformance to the requirements of this document. The acceptance limits for class 1 and class 2 sound calibrators are based on the use of a working standard microphone, as specified in IEC 61094-4, for demonstrations of conformance to the requirements of this document. To promote consistency of testing of sound calibrators and ease of use, this document
contains three normative annexes – Annex A "Pattern evaluation tests", Annex B "Periodic tests", Annex C "Pattern evaluation report", and two informative Annexes – Annex D "Relationship between tolerance interval, corresponding acceptance interval and the maximum-permitted uncertainty of measurement" and Annex E "Example assessments of conformance to specifications of this document".
This document does not include requirements for equivalent free-field or random-incidence sound pressure levels, such as can be used in the overall sensitivity adjustment of a sound level meter.
A sound calibrator can provide other functions, for exammple, tonebursts. Requirements for these other functions are not included in this document.

Life cycle


SRPS EN 60942:2010


SRPS EN IEC 60942:2018
60.60 Standard published
Jun 28, 2018

Related project

Adopted from EN IEC 60942:2018

Adopted from IEC 60942:2017 ED4 IDENTICAL


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