Today, 5 March 2024, the European Court of Justice delivered its judgment in Case C-588/21 P concerning public access to Harmonized Standards under Regulation 1049/2001.
Although the Court annuls the European Commission’s decision to refuse access to the four standards requested, the judgment confirms that Harmonized Standards are subject to copyright protection.
CEN and CENELEC, as two of the official European Standardization Organizations (ESOs), and their members – the National Standardization Bodies and National Committees in 34 European countries – welcome that the Court does not follow the main argument of the applicants and the Advocate General, who had proposed to exclude copyright protection for Harmonized Standards in general. Nor does the judgment call into question the fact that access to documents under Regulation 1049/2001 is without prejudice to any existing copyright rules which may limit the right of third parties to reproduce or use released documents.
The Court’s decision not only confirms the values at the heart of the European Standardization System. It also acknowledges the commitment of the many stakeholders, experts, and policy makers that contribute to the development of high-quality, practical, and up-to-date standards, which support the industry and strengthen the Single Market.
The success of European Standardization has been made possible by the expertise and voluntary contributions from engaged stakeholders from different backgrounds, such as business, government, consumers, trade associations, academia, and research.
This inclusive system ensures that standards are practical, easy to implement, constantly adapted to the state of the art, and largely identical to international standards. As such, they provide European businesses with a timely and accurate solution to address their needs, ensure conformity with European legislation, and increase their competitiveness on global markets.
Based on this, the CEN and CENELEC community will continue to work closely with the European Commission and all relevant stakeholders involved in European standardization, for the benefit of the Single Market and Europe’s businesses and citizens.
(The text is a translation of the official announcement provided by CEN/CENELEC to its members for use.)
Успех европске стандардизације омогућен је захваљујући експертизи и добровољном доприносу ангажованих учесника из различитих области, као што су предузећа, владе, потрошачи, трговинска удружења, универзитети и истраживачке установе.
Овај инклузивни систем осигурава да су стандарди лако применљиви, прилагођени тренутном стању технике и у великој мери идентични са међународним стандардима. Стога они пружају европским предузећима правовремено и прецизно решење за приступ јединственом европском и глобалном тржишту, осигуравају усклађеност са европском легислативом и повећавају њихову конкурентност.
Стога ће CEN и CENELEC заједница у целини наставити да блиско сарађује са Европском комисијом и свим релевантним актерима укљученим у европску стандардизацију како бисмо наш систем прилагодили будућности за добробит јединственог европског тржишта и европских предузећа и грађана.
(Текст представља превод званичног саопштења које су CEN/CENELEC доставили својим чланицама на коришћење.)